Playfair Cipher in Navision

16 November 2008 iby 5

As earlier mentioned I have being reading some books about Cryptology – and now its Playfairs turn to be tested in Navision 🙂 Playfair Cipher (aka. Playfair square) is a symmetric encryption technique and was […]

Enabling keys on the fly in Navision

8 April 2008 iby 0

In the earlier version of Navision it was not possible to enable keys on the fly. All you could do was either having fixed keys, using key groups or doing a “hack” with performing a […]

Strings larger then 250 characters

23 March 2008 iby 1

In the early version of Navision it was only possible to handle string with a length up till 250 characters. This was often not enough and there was only a few ways to handle those […]

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