Have you seen the new Error List in NAV 2009 SP1?
When you know compile objects – errors are shown in an Error List Window.
The Error List Window contains the following fields:
– Error No.
– Object Type
– Object ID
– Object Name
– Error Type (Error, Warnings)
– Function/Trigger
– Line No.
– Description
Which means, that you now know exactly what the error is and where to find it
Also there is a Design button – when you push this, you are able to edit the C/AL code directly from the Error List Window.
This is a really nice feature!
The following types of errors and warnings are displayed:
– Unsupported data type warnings for Binary and Dataport types
– Unsupported function calls
Unsupported function calls for reports are not reported in the Error List window.
Looks good but limited as often the errors are in a codeunit or function unrelated to the source calling line, the most common one is with dimensions and the error does not really identify the calling source of the error until you step through with the debugger.