In the previous article we created a RSS reader Add-In, now let us take a look on how to use it from navision (RoleTailored Client).
First we must make it possible for navision to see it. This is done by adding the dll’s information to the table 2000000069 Client Add-in.
Before we are doing this we need to be sure that the dll is in the add-ins folder and we need to know the public key for the dll.
Okay – first locate the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\RoleTailored Client\Add-ins and make sure the file naviRss.dll is located there.
Next we have to find the public key. This is done by using the Visual Studio Command Prompt. Change to the Add-ins directory and run the command sn -T naviRss.dll
This command returns the public key – which is c172ecf10f26d3ea.
Next is to add the DLL to the table 2000000069 Client Add-in in navision. You only have to fill Control Add-in Name and Public Key Token
By adding the DLL to the table, we are now able to call it from a page.
Create a new page – ex. naviRss. The sourcetable for the page is RSS – it is a new table, that contains the different RSS urls
The Page could look like this:
If we take a look on the Feed control – you can see that it is bound to the variable Parameters, which is set in OnAfterGetrecord:
Parameters := 'rss_url='+"Rss Feed Url"+ '&no_feeds='+FORMAT("No Feeds")+ '&show_description='+FORMAT("Show Description");
This is the Parameters, the function GetParameter (RssControl.cs) is collecting.
Until now the Feed is still not linked to the naviRss.dll – this is done in the properties for the Feed control.
In the properties locate ControlAddIn, here you should add naviRss.
That’s all – now the page is ready for testing 🙂
RSS Feeds are really very helpful and you could get site and news updates from it.`;-
RSS feeds are really great because you are always updated with the latest news or blog posts.”`-
i use RSS Feeds to syndicate my blog on other blogs*:-
i think that RSS FEEDS should also be included on the list of the best inventions because it makes life easier for bloggers like us *~*
*`’ I am very thankful to this topic because it really gives up to date information ;-,