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XML in Navision

In Navision there are 2 ways to handle XMLs. In all versions it is possible to use the automation Microsoft XML and from Navision 4 it is possible to use XML ports. XML ports are […]

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XML Schemas & DTDs

XML are validated with a DTD or with an XML Schema. Document Type Definition (DTD) defines the legal elements of an XML Document. <!DOCTYPE note SYSTEM “external.dtd”> <root> XML Schema is an XML-based alternativ to […]

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XML Rules

Following rules must be applied when working with XML: Single, unique root element Matching open/close tags Consistent capitalisation Correctly nested elements (no overlapping elements) Attribute values enclosed in quotes No repeating attributes in an element

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XML syntax

XML documents must contain a root element. All other elements must be nested within the root element. All elements can have sub (children) elements. Elements with sub elements are also called Nodes.

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What is XML?

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language XML is a markup language like HTML XML provides a uniform method for describing and exchanging structured data Describes structure and semantics, not formatting XML focuses on providing information […]

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MSMQ and Navision

From Navision it is possible to read and write to a MSMQ using the automation Microsoft Message Queue 3.0 Object Library. This is however not my preferred way, because you have to handle Messages IDs […]

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Zip files in a script

If you have an application running, which creates a lot of log files – it would be neat to have simple functionality to zip those files. This is possible, just using dos scripts and the […]

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Some usefull SQL Commands

If you are a SQL Server administrator or just working with it, these commands would be use full for you. ALTER INDEX Modifies an existing table or view index (relational or XML) by disabling, rebuilding, […]